It's taken me a while to get around to this, but Tamara at One Magic Bean Buyer was kind enough to pass along the Super Sweet Blogger Award to me. Been so busy with NaNoWriMo that lots of things are falling by the wayside. But here I am and here are the sweet questions and my answers:

Cookies or Cake? Cookies. Though normally isn't the choice Cake or Pie? Then I'd choose cake.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla. As I child I liked chocolate, but somehow grew into a vanilla person.
What is your favorite sweet treat? Ice cream. Mostly vanilla bean, but I like a good mint chocolate chip as well.
When do you crave sweet things the most? Whenever I'm eating. Always need a dessert.
If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? Can't say as I'm a nickname person :-(
And since one of my blog friends seems to be having a stressful time, I'm sending this her way in hope that some sweets cheer her up:
Christina at The Muse of My Imagination
Congratulations! Way to go! How thoughtful of you to pass some cheer along to a fellow writer too. Hope your NaNoWriMo word count is progressing along to your liking. Good Luck!